Internalization of Companies

work without borders and create new business opportunities around the world
Espuymar Internacionalización de Empresas

Over 20 years being the best allied to internationalize your companie

Espuymar el mejor aliado para internacionalizar tu empresa

espuymar – International area 

The best ally for the internationalisation of your business

Adjusting the needs of each companie and independently in the internationalization phase of your company, we put all our experience in internationalization and foreign trade to generate new business opportunities adapted to the needs of each market.


Internationalization Plans

We design Internationalization Plans as well as define the best commercial penetration strategy based on your companie possibilites and target markets. 



Products and services analysis

We analyse products and services to adapt them strategically for new markets and new costumers. 



Foreign market and Competition analysis

We analise the foreign market and the competition companies to offer you the best markets and the best business opportunities. 


Location of collaborators and partners

We locate Partners and collaborators at the foreign markets to hep you open your business in destination markets. 



Location of institutional help and support

We locate institutional help and support for internationalization as well as offer consulting services to prepare the documentation for the application of help and project for internationalization both for local as well as national level.



Internal Company Training

Internal Company Training as well as design of action plans for the adaptation of your company to internationalization, we are responsable  for carrying out that plan to adapt your company to the new markets in which you like to operate. 



International Marketing Plan

We take care of the International Marketing of your company, from the design of the International Marketing Plan to its execution, looking for the best Partners at destination or excecuting it directly from “Espuymar International Consulting Group”.



Channeling of investments in Spain

And if you are looking to invest or develop part of your activity abroad, we analyse and locate the market or destination to ensure the profitability of your business. 




Contact us and tell us in wich parts of the world you want to generate business 

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